So this album?.....awful. I love Wyclef and desperately wanted to like this album. I listened to it over and over again hoping it would get better, but it didn't. The album is random and there is no real theme, which has been a problem for him in the past.
For some reason Wyclef loves to collaborate. Wyclef likes collaborating more than Amy Winehouse likes drugs. (Allegedly). The collaborations are what make this album feel scattered. Is he hoping that he will eventually stumble across the next "Hips Don't Lie". I picture Wyclef making an album like Jack (Matthew Fox) from the end of season 3 of Lost. He's semi-drunk, unshaven and yelling -
"I wasn't meant to make music on my own! I need to collaborate!"
Wyclef is trying to make "Do they know its Chrsitmas" on every song -
(you know....that corny 80's song with 10,000 artists singing on it)
At least the album has good parts, like the line: "If you make it rain, she'll be under the weather". Exactly.
Rating - 5.5 / 10
Favorite Tracks - "Sweetest Girl (Dollar Bill)", "Fast Car", and "Riot (Trouble Again)"
Champagne and Cufflinks,
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