Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Illegal Downloaders in the UK Could Be Banned From the Internet

People who download music illegally could be banned from the internet under plans currently being considered by the UK government. Ministers are examining a scheme that would mean anyone in the UK would be denied access to their internet service provider if they were caught with files containing pirated copies of songs and films.

Internet users would be given three strikes before their service would be terminated; the first offense would result in an e-mail warning and the third would result in termination of service. Internet providers who fail to uphold the law would also face prosecution.

Two questions: What stops people from just switching service providers when they get banned? My guess is that a UK-er could spend possibly years online before getting caught three times. And in the slim case that you do get caught three times, just switch ISP's. I just don't see how this could be passed as a law anytime soon. A better idea would be granting ISP's the power to fine internet users who are caught downloading illegally.

Two: What does this mean for the U.S.? On the chance that this law is passed, or some form of it, will the U.S. look to adapt the form? Imagine being sued by both the RIAA and your Internet Service Provider? When all was said and done, you'd be living in a shack in Guam, not by choice.

Cheese and Rice,

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