With the recent influx of seriously good music you should hear immediately, there's only one way to get them all out there: Two-A-Days.
Really feeling this Florida trio, Totally Nebular. Jerky guitar riffs thrown between dreamy loops, this band reminds me a lot of Philly rising star Drink Up Buttercup. Totally Nebular have a long journey ahead of them, as none of them have yet to graduate high school, but they've got a great starting sound they can hopefully perfect. Download Totally Nebular's debut FO' FREEhere.
Totally Nebular - "Green Tops"
Second is a U.K. band that I regrettably didn't take any notice of until very recently. Malachai seem to have taken everything that was great about 60's and 70's Brit Rock and reinvented it. Songs like "Blackbird" have you feeling like you're listening to some classic rock radio station playing only deep cuts, and some like "Snowflake" bring things more up-to-date. The light and airy vocals on "Snowflake" gave immediate impressions of a young Syd Barrett, but get to the chorus and it's Humble Pie at it's finest. Malachai's Album, Ugly Side of Love is available now on iTunes.
tn are graduated bro get your spectacles checked son -- Jeff