MGMT's new video has left indie music listeners more confused than ever. The video plays out like some sort of "coming home" from some kind of journey. Maybe becoming a relevant band. I found myself watching the video intently, hoping to "get" the whole meaning of the song. But by the time I got to the end of it, I was just pissed at myself for watching the whole damn thing. Although one funny part to the video is when they rip out the electric eel and shove it through the machine that looks like an asshole. Symbolism?
Part of me think they're just messing with system now that they've had a commercially successful album and the financial backing of a major label. I never need to hear this song again.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
VIDEO: Titus Andronicus - "A More Perfect Union"
Featured on the March playlist, "A More Perfect Union" is a raucous opener to Titus Andronicus' album The Monitor. The severely edited video version (7:10 down to 3:34) features the band out in the wintry wilderness, screaming into tape recorders, referencing the Civil War, and mostly just giving us what the U.S. National Anthem should sound like. Gotta love that guitar solo.
A More Perfect Union
A More Perfect Union

Here's the second installment of the best songs March has to offer here at The Whipping Post. Oops did I leave off songs from that great new MGMT album? I must have forgotten. WORST. SOPHOMORE. FOLLOW-UP. EVER.
Here are the downloads ya'll.
1.) Brahms - "Subtext Is Deadly"
2.) Titus Andronicus - "A More Perfect Union"
3.) Cults - "Most Wanted"
4.) The Office vs. Weezy - "Office Musik"
5.) East Hundred - "Slow Burning Crimes"
6.) Philadelphia Grand Jury - "I Don't Want To Party (Party)"
7.) Hard Mix - "King of the Stars"
What were your favorite songs of March?
What songs are on repeat in your iTunes?
How would you rate the year in music officially 1/4 of the way through?
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Notorious xx

The marriage, if you can call it that -- and really, you can't, given that it's about 43 minutes long, so he's more aiming for a really solid connection between two people just trying to feel something -- is admittedly unorthodox. Biggie's music can make anyone at the club feel like they're a rapper, and gets a dance floor going at most any party, whereas The xx are mostly consumed in iPod earbuds on public transit, sitting in isolation at home, or driving alone -- in many ways, the combination of the two is the extrovert meets the introvert.
Visit wait what and download the album here.
1.) Dead Wrong Intro
2.) Juicy-r
3.) It's All About The Crystalizabeths
4.) Islands Is The Limit
5.) One More Chance For A Heart To Skip A Beat
6.) Suicidal Fantasy
7.) Everyday Shelter
8.) Basic Hypnosis
9.) Infinite Victory
10.) The Curious Incident Of Big Poppa In The Nighttime
11.) Mo Stars Mo Problems
Video for Juicy-r
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Did it seem like March lasted 6 weeks, or was that just me? A lot goes down in March. Spring training baseball comes and goes with the building anticipation of opening day, it stops getting dark at 4pm so you can actually start doing things outside after work, but best of all, you start trading those 30 degree days of blustery wind for some sunny afternoon's in the 50's and 60's. Ahhh Spring. Everything just seems a little brighter, especially the music. A lot of up beat, fun-loving songs on this months playlist. It must be the weather.
The music is broken up into two parts again this month, I should really just start posting weekly playlists. I'll get around to that eventually.....
As always, here are the downloads if you want them.
1.) Foster The People - "Pumped Up Kicks"
2.) Cults - "Go Outside"
3.) The Black Keys - "Tighten Up"
4.) Beach Fossils - "Daydream"
5.) Phantogram - "When I'm Small"
6.) Hooray For Earth - "Surrounded By Your Friends"
7.) Lookbook - "Yesterday's Company"
8.) Freelance Whales - "Generator 1st Floor" (Passion Pit Aislyn Remix)
Part Two of the playlist coming tomorrow.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Freelance Whales shoot videos for NPR at SXSW
I don't know how I missed this one, but Freelance Whales performed a few songs at Driskill Hotel in Austin at SXSW and had NPR film it all. It's also official...."Generator 2nd Floor" is my most played song on iTunes through the first quarter of 2010.
"Generator 1st Floor"
"Generator 2nd Floor"
"Generator 1st Floor"
"Generator 2nd Floor"
VIDEO: KiD CuDi - "Soundtrack To My Life"
Not the type of video one would expect to see from a man who claims his happiness is the saddest lie. It's hard to take the lyrics seriously when he's partying and performing in front of thousands of fans hanging on his every word. I've always liked the song, and it's a well-made video; the two just don't match up.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Phoenix Releases FREE Live Album

1.) Lisztomania
2.) Lasso
3.) Fences
4.) Girlfriend
5.) Armistice
6.) Love Like a Sunset
7.) Rome
8.) 1901
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Two-A-Days: Foster the People and Hard Mix

Foster The People - "Pumped Up Kicks"
Download it.

Hard Mix - "King Of The Stars"
Download it.
Monday, March 22, 2010
VIDEO: Yuck - "Georgia"
Time flies when you've got this much talent. It was just earlier this year I wrote about Yuck, a band with ties to Japan, Jersey, and U.K. Back in January, they had but just two songs to share with us via their myspace and only a couple live shows under their belt, but I still felt it necessary to put them in one of my playlists that you've apparently been loving so much. And now they've got tour dates with Japandroids and a brand new video for their song "Georgia". Ahhh they grow up so fast these days....
The Whipping Post - March Playlist Coming Soon!
The Whipping Post - March Playlist Coming Soon!
MP3: New Black Keys - "Tighten Up"

Black Keys - "Tighten Up"
Download it.
Stream Entire New MGMT Album Now

"Hey everybody, the album leaked, and we wanted you to be able to hear it from us. We wanted to offer it as a free download but that didn't make sense to anyone but us."
After a preliminary run-through, I'm not impressed. It sounds like MGMT lack any lyrical sense, perhaps using all of their best material on Oracular Spectacular. I can't say that I'm surprised, it's not like any of the pre-Time To Pretend EP music was any good. Go listen to any of The Management (pre mgmt) Demos or River Offices and that's right back where the guys are heading.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Travis Barker and A-Trak Performing Together
This tops Girl Talk for best party atmosphere at a live event. Travis Barker and A-Trak (Kanye's DJ) are now touring together. Based on the video, it looks like A-Trak mostly going crazy on the turntables and throwing everything possible at Barker, inviting him to challenge back (which he does). Barker's remix style on drums holds so much intensity, it's impossible not to be a fan. I haven't seen any dates yet, but this tour should be a lot of fun.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
MP3: Freelance Whales - "Generator 1st Floor" (Passion Pit Aislyn Remix)

Being labelmates of Freelance Whales, it's not surprising that Passion Pit's Aislyn took a stab at remixing the song.
Download it like it's hot.
MP3: Lil Wayne vs. The Office Theme Song

Download it.
(song and amazing Paint professionalism via p+p)
Chat Roulette Improv
Apparently I'm the last person on Earth to hear of Chat Roulette. I haven't tried it yet, and judging from the people in this video, these are the last people I'd actually like to sit and have a conversation with. Most of them look flat out scary and the others look like set-ups from To Catch a Predator. So while there wont be any chat roulette in my future, this guy below seems to be the next Ben Folds coming up with musical piano improv with everyone he comes in virtual contact with.
WTF IS THE POINT OF CHAT ROULLETE?! I'd rather people watch you from afar while laughing than actually try to hold a decent conversation with you. Just saying.
WTF IS THE POINT OF CHAT ROULLETE?! I'd rather people watch you from afar while laughing than actually try to hold a decent conversation with you. Just saying.
NEW: Jay-Z vs. Lupe "From Marcy to Madison St." MIXTAPE

Download the entire mixtape FO' FREE here.

Monday, March 15, 2010
VIDEO: The Lonely Island "Boombox" Featuring Julian Casablancas
Get the Lonely Island album if you haven't already. Hilarity.
Get the Lonely Island album if you haven't already. Hilarity.
Two-A-Days: Mari Solis and Hooray For Earth


Friday, March 12, 2010
VIDEO: KiD CuDi with MGMT and Ratatat - "Pursuit of Happiness"
Earlier this week, a new - and much better - video was released for "Pursuit of Happiness". With MGMT and Ratatat helping out, it's an obvious standout on Mr. Solo Dolo's album. Now that it finally has a well made video for it, it's even better.
Broken Bells on Jimmy Fallon
I'm constantly impressed by the musical talent Fallon is able to pull for his show. Here's Broken Bells performing "The Ghost Inside" last night.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Two-A-Days: Cults and Philadelphia Grand Jury

Cults - "Go Outside"

Philadelphia Grand Jury has always been two friends: Berkfinger and MC Bad Genius. Between these two childhood buddies of some 20 years one observes a strange, tedious and sometimes very complicated relationship that always manages to somehow end up in a smart and ruff pop song. Do they even like each other? No one really knows. Berkfinger hadn't seen Bad Genius for going on 6 years when one day last year the curious bearded fellow just strolled into one of his solo shows with a bass and plugged himself right back into the singer's life. From there, these two childhood buddies - and a rotating ensemble of drummers - have been writing, recording and touring their own indie punk soul hits around the country and winning fans everywhere they go.
Philadelphia Grand Jury - "I Don't Want to Party (Party)"
Philadelphia Grand Jury - "The Good News"
The Whipping Post - Where new bands smell almost as good as Lindsay Lohan's coke. Intense.
MGMT chat with NME
MGMT's Andrew Vanwyngarden sat down for a Q&A with NME recently. He did not explain, nor apologize for the diarrhea bomb that is "Flash Delirium".
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
VIDEO: Yeasayer - "O.N.E."
I'll admit it. It took quite a few listens of Yeasayer's new album Odd Blood for it to really grow on me. Then one day it just clicked, THIS ALBUM IS FUCKING AWESOME! I can't explain it, nor will I even try. But since warming up to it, "O.N.E." has skyrocketed near the top of my list for Best Tracks of 2010. Check out the new official video below.
New MGMT - "Flash Delirium"

MGMT - "Flash Delirium"
Download it.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Band of Horses New Album

Band of Horses released one of my favorite albums of all-time with the release of Cease to Begin, so needless to say, I've been itching for the follow up worse than an Atlantic City Hooker looking for a Trick. The band's third album Infinite Arms, now has a May 18th release date and BoH have also given us a peek at the cover art. Reports of the band searching for a label to release the album have ended, as BoH now have 3 labels on board to release the album. Brown Records/Fat Possum/Columbia.
VIDEO: Phoenix "Litszomania" (Elementary School Choir)
I'll never get tired of all the cool things that have been done to "Lisztomania" since it's release. Here's a video of a New York City Chorus teacher and his clearly passionate 5th grade class performing the song.
Interview: The Whipping Post vs. Shark?

The Whipping Post: Seriously, what is it about Brooklyn bands, they're everywhere.....and good! Is it something in the beer?
Kevin Diamond: It's a matter of people of a like mind searching for a hub. The hub can be anywhere: Portland, San Fran, Brooklyn, Baltimore.
Andy Kinsey: We're in the middle of an amazing period that will never be repeated.
WP: With so many bands in the Brooklyn scene, do you find it hard to set yourselves apart? Is there a lot of competition?
KD: It's actually one of the main benefits to being in Brooklyn. You meet so many like-minded bands and musicians and you end up playing together a lot, putting each other on your bills, and it's like some kind of support system.
AK: We're all in it together, so it's pretty simpatico.
WP: You're hitting SXSW soon. What are you looking forward to the most?
KD: Excited to check the city out, going to Todd P's MtyMx festival immediately afterwards. That should be a blast.
WP: You're sound is so unique to everything else out there today. What types of recording techniques do you use to get that "lo-fi underground garage" sound?
KD: All the recordings we have right now were done (mostly) by me alone, in our practice studio or in my apartment. I'd say the main technique I utilize is a combination of trial and error and happy accidents working in unison. Most of my favorite recorded moments were initially mistakes. We've recently begun recording together as a band, which is adding a bit of polish that I think is welcome, though I'm sure I'll make a mess all over the final product before I show it to anybody. I love a good mess.
AK: 8 track cassette recorders, elvis mics, pure luck and coincidence.
WP: What bands influenced you growing up?
KD: I was a new wave kid growing up. That was my doorway into post punk, and then punk. I guess I did it all backwards. Divo, XTC, Oingo Boingo, Talking Heads.
Andy Swerdlow: I listened to a lot of blues growing up. Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf. I used to go to the record store and find the dirtiest sounding band I could.
WP: Any current bands influence you? Not someone who you necessarily enjoy listening to, but someone who you might hear and say "man I'd like to try that out in the studio"?
KD: There's a band from Atlanta called Carnivores that I'm in love with. We played with them recently. Ty Segall, Screaming Females, Jeff the Brotherhood, Blank Dogs. Cloud Nothings are amazing cause that kid is only 18. My music sucked when I was 18.
AS: Radiohead has been doing some amazing things with distortion for a long time. Surfer Blood got some really great vocal sounds.
WP: You guys are quickly becoming known for your live shows. How do you keep up that enthusiasm day in day out?
KD: Oh man, it's not hard to keep enthusiastic about it; it's the best part for me. Even if there are two people in the audience, which happens a lot in BK, I want those two people to have the best time in the world.
WP: What do you wish people would take away from one of your shows?
AK: A hangover
WP: Do you guys have day jobs?
KD: Doesn't everybody?
AK: Yes and no. a combination of unemployment, mac & cheese, and physical labor.
AS: sloppin' mashed potatoes on yo' plate!
WP: There are a few very basic types in every successful band: your rebel, your shy bashful type, and your heartthrob. So who's who?
Shark?: Rebel - Kevin. Shy and bashful - Andy K. Heartthob - Andy S.
WP: Alright time for the lightning round....Beatles or Stones?
Shark?: Kinks
WP: Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, or Aziz Ansari?
Shark?: The red haired cable guy from the Verizon commercials.
WP: Britney.....still do-able?
Shark?: Don't know about that one, but Toxic is one of the best songs ever yes.
WP: Ad-lib: I (blank) when I hear (blank)
Shark?: I SHIT when I hear AFRO POP
WP: Musical guilty pleasures?
KD: I love pop shit. Party in the USA is one of the best songs of all time. NOBODY DOESN'T LIKE THAT SONG!
WP: If the band turned into Survivor, who gets kicked off first and why?
KD: Swerdlow because he never showers!
AK: NOT Swerdlow, he makes McGyver look like a handyman.
WP: Best band of the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's. One per decade.
KD: Zombies, Devo, Replacements, Pavement.
AK: CCR, Wire, Pixies, Breeders.
WP: Offering up all of your music for free over at your bandcamp page is like a gift from Jesus. What made you decide to give it away?
KD: It doesn't cost me anything to make it, so why charge people for it? I'd rather have people hear it, like it, come to a show and enjoy themselves. When it comes to renting out a studio, paying for a producer and an engineer, and pressing CD's and stuff, then we'll charge cause otherwise we'd go broke.
WP: What's your ultimate goal as a band?
KD: FUN FUN FUN! I want asses shaking and heads bobbing and drinks beign drank!
AK: To rule.
AS: Melt faces and/or pants!
Make sure to visit the Shark's bandcamp for your copy of Noise Maker.
Shark? - "Tesla"
Download it play it over and over and over and over....
AK: 8 track cassette recorders, elvis mics, pure luck and coincidence.
WP: What bands influenced you growing up?
KD: I was a new wave kid growing up. That was my doorway into post punk, and then punk. I guess I did it all backwards. Divo, XTC, Oingo Boingo, Talking Heads.
Andy Swerdlow: I listened to a lot of blues growing up. Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf. I used to go to the record store and find the dirtiest sounding band I could.
WP: Any current bands influence you? Not someone who you necessarily enjoy listening to, but someone who you might hear and say "man I'd like to try that out in the studio"?
KD: There's a band from Atlanta called Carnivores that I'm in love with. We played with them recently. Ty Segall, Screaming Females, Jeff the Brotherhood, Blank Dogs. Cloud Nothings are amazing cause that kid is only 18. My music sucked when I was 18.
AS: Radiohead has been doing some amazing things with distortion for a long time. Surfer Blood got some really great vocal sounds.
WP: You guys are quickly becoming known for your live shows. How do you keep up that enthusiasm day in day out?
KD: Oh man, it's not hard to keep enthusiastic about it; it's the best part for me. Even if there are two people in the audience, which happens a lot in BK, I want those two people to have the best time in the world.
WP: What do you wish people would take away from one of your shows?
AK: A hangover
WP: Do you guys have day jobs?
KD: Doesn't everybody?
AK: Yes and no. a combination of unemployment, mac & cheese, and physical labor.
AS: sloppin' mashed potatoes on yo' plate!
WP: There are a few very basic types in every successful band: your rebel, your shy bashful type, and your heartthrob. So who's who?
Shark?: Rebel - Kevin. Shy and bashful - Andy K. Heartthob - Andy S.
WP: Alright time for the lightning round....Beatles or Stones?
Shark?: Kinks
WP: Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, or Aziz Ansari?
Shark?: The red haired cable guy from the Verizon commercials.
WP: Britney.....still do-able?
Shark?: Don't know about that one, but Toxic is one of the best songs ever yes.
WP: Ad-lib: I (blank) when I hear (blank)
Shark?: I SHIT when I hear AFRO POP
WP: Musical guilty pleasures?
KD: I love pop shit. Party in the USA is one of the best songs of all time. NOBODY DOESN'T LIKE THAT SONG!
WP: If the band turned into Survivor, who gets kicked off first and why?
KD: Swerdlow because he never showers!
AK: NOT Swerdlow, he makes McGyver look like a handyman.
WP: Best band of the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's. One per decade.
KD: Zombies, Devo, Replacements, Pavement.
AK: CCR, Wire, Pixies, Breeders.
WP: Offering up all of your music for free over at your bandcamp page is like a gift from Jesus. What made you decide to give it away?
KD: It doesn't cost me anything to make it, so why charge people for it? I'd rather have people hear it, like it, come to a show and enjoy themselves. When it comes to renting out a studio, paying for a producer and an engineer, and pressing CD's and stuff, then we'll charge cause otherwise we'd go broke.
WP: What's your ultimate goal as a band?
KD: FUN FUN FUN! I want asses shaking and heads bobbing and drinks beign drank!
AK: To rule.
AS: Melt faces and/or pants!
Make sure to visit the Shark's bandcamp for your copy of Noise Maker.
Shark? - "Tesla"
Download it play it over and over and over and over....
Friday, March 5, 2010
VIDEO: Summer Camp - "Ghost Train"
Here's the new video from one of London's indie-pop favorites, Summer Camp. Their Ghost Train 7" arrives in April. Pre-order it here.
Two-A-Days: Lookbook and East Hundred
Without me consciously knowing about it until earlier today, I've become a huge fan of the guy-girl indie pop duo as of late. The Minneapolis duo Lookbook released their debut full-length, Wild At Heart, a few weeks ago FO' FREE (well, pay what you want). Go grab it. High energy synth pop with an 80's heartbreak vibe, it reminds me a lot of The Sounds. Lookbook just wrapped up their latest tour, so you've got some listening time before they come back around!
Lookbook - "Yesterday's Company"
Lookbook - "Over and Over"
Download "Yesterday's Company"
Download "Over and Over"
In keeping with the female fronted theme, I'm just going to come out in say it....I'm in love with East Hundred's Beril Guceri. I still routinely play the demos I received in 2007 and although it's been more than a year since their Passenger release, this unsigned (still?!?!) band's music refuses to age. Heartache and hope lead to success. Here's hoping to some new East Hundred in the near future.
East Hundred - "Plus Minus"
East Hundred - "Slow Burning Crimes"
Download "Plus minus"
Download "Slow Burning Crimes"
Lookbook - "Yesterday's Company"
Lookbook - "Over and Over"
Download "Yesterday's Company"
Download "Over and Over"
In keeping with the female fronted theme, I'm just going to come out in say it....I'm in love with East Hundred's Beril Guceri. I still routinely play the demos I received in 2007 and although it's been more than a year since their Passenger release, this unsigned (still?!?!) band's music refuses to age. Heartache and hope lead to success. Here's hoping to some new East Hundred in the near future.
East Hundred - "Plus Minus"
East Hundred - "Slow Burning Crimes"
Download "Plus minus"
Download "Slow Burning Crimes"
MP3 Grab Bag

Want them forever and ever?
1.) Yonas (Formerly Cause) - "Ayo Technolgy" (Remix)
2.) Florence + The Machine - "You've Got The Love" (The xx Remix)
3.) Amazing Baby - "Heart of Stone" (Ravonettes Cover)
4.) Editors - "Feel Good Inc." (Gorillaz Cover)
The Whipping Post - Official like a referee with a whistle.
VIDEO: OK Go - "This Too Shall Pass"
I caught myself watching OK Go's new video for the 27th time in 3 days and realized I never posted it. The band is known for it's off the wall videos and this one is no exception. It starts off with a simple fall of a domino, triggering a 4 minute hell storm of a life-size game of Mouse Trap. Definitely a must watch.
How many failed attempts do you think this took to get down?
How many failed attempts do you think this took to get down?
NEW! Kidz In The Hall Ft. Just Blaze and Colin Monroe "Take Over The World"

This song comes off the Kidz In The Hall 3rd album, The Land of Make Believe.
"Take Over The World"
Keep it.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Two-A-Days: Phantogram and Beach Fossils

Download that hotness.

Mumford and Sons - "Cousins" (Vampire Weekend Cover)

Mumford and Sons - "Cousins"
Download it for keeps.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Black Keys Announce New Album

The rumors are true. Black Keys will be releasing a new album, Brothers, to be released in May. Hopefully its more like Thickfreakness and less like Attack & Release.
Brothers Tracklist:
1.) Everlasting Light
2.) Next Girl
3.) Tighten Up
4.) Howlin' For You
5.) She's Long Gone
6.) Black Mud
7.) The Only One
8.) Too Afraid To Love You
9.) Ten Cent Pistol
10.) Sinister Kid
11.) The Go Getter
12.) I'm Not The One
13.) Unknown Brother
14.) Never Gonna Give You Up
15.) These Days
Stream/Download New Morning Benders and Portugal. The Man Albums
Try it before you buy it. One of my favorites, Portugal. The Man, couldn't wait until the official release date (today) to give people a taste. The released their new album, American Ghetto, for stream and download yesterday. Also, The Morning Benders released Big Echo for full stream today; an album I'm sure will see 487 online reviews by the end of the day. You'll try to escape it, but it won't be possible. I've taken a listen to both albums and they're great. Listen for yourself, then buy it.
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