Tuesday, March 30, 2010

VIDEO: MGMT - "Flash Delirium"

MGMT's new video has left indie music listeners more confused than ever. The video plays out like some sort of "coming home" from some kind of journey. Maybe becoming a relevant band. I found myself watching the video intently, hoping to "get" the whole meaning of the song. But by the time I got to the end of it, I was just pissed at myself for watching the whole damn thing. Although one funny part to the video is when they rip out the electric eel and shove it through the machine that looks like an asshole. Symbolism?

Part of me think they're just messing with system now that they've had a commercially successful album and the financial backing of a major label. I never need to hear this song again.

1 comment:

  1. Combination Pizza hut and taco bellApril 8, 2010 at 12:25 PM

    Watched about a minute of the video without the music, to see if it made any sense sans lyrical intervention. It didn't. As a huge MGMT fan I am so dissapointed with this album. Didn't they say that they were making this one under heavy drug influence? The last album was more like an acid trip than this flop.
