Did it seem like March lasted 6 weeks, or was that just me? A lot goes down in March. Spring training baseball comes and goes with the building anticipation of opening day, it stops getting dark at 4pm so you can actually start doing things outside after work, but best of all, you start trading those 30 degree days of blustery wind for some sunny afternoon's in the 50's and 60's. Ahhh Spring. Everything just seems a little brighter, especially the music. A lot of up beat, fun-loving songs on this months playlist. It must be the weather.
The music is broken up into two parts again this month, I should really just start posting weekly playlists. I'll get around to that eventually.....
As always, here are the downloads if you want them.
1.) Foster The People - "Pumped Up Kicks"
2.) Cults - "Go Outside"
3.) The Black Keys - "Tighten Up"
4.) Beach Fossils - "Daydream"
5.) Phantogram - "When I'm Small"
6.) Hooray For Earth - "Surrounded By Your Friends"
7.) Lookbook - "Yesterday's Company"
8.) Freelance Whales - "Generator 1st Floor" (Passion Pit Aislyn Remix)
Part Two of the playlist coming tomorrow.
Did you mean to post part one (uno) in spanish and part two (deux) in french? lol