Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Here's the second installment of the best songs March has to offer here at The Whipping Post. Oops did I leave off songs from that great new MGMT album? I must have forgotten. WORST. SOPHOMORE. FOLLOW-UP. EVER.

Here are the downloads ya'll.
1.) Brahms - "Subtext Is Deadly"
2.) Titus Andronicus - "A More Perfect Union"
3.) Cults - "Most Wanted"
4.) The Office vs. Weezy - "Office Musik"
5.) East Hundred - "Slow Burning Crimes"
6.) Philadelphia Grand Jury - "I Don't Want To Party (Party)"
7.) Hard Mix - "King of the Stars"

What were your favorite songs of March?
What songs are on repeat in your iTunes?
How would you rate the year in music officially 1/4 of the way through?

1 comment:

  1. Cults and East hundred!!!!!!! I would have rated this year as being musically average until I went to an XX concert, which blew my mind and renewed my hope for more amazing beats to come.
