2.) My new favorite spot is Bob and Barbara's lounge on 15th and South. $3 gets you and your liver a shot of Jim Beam and a can of Pabst. Drunken hookups may now commence! A true dive bar complete with folding tables and chairs, the perfect amount of eclectic patrons, and no head-pulsing music leaving you near deaf at the end of the night. The live Jazz combo (I just turned 90% of you off now, didn't I?) is actually incredibly talented and leaves this early-mid-twenties crowd entertained and wanting more at the end of the night. So tell your next date that you're taking her to see some live jazz, which will score you some pregame points, and head on over to Bob and Barbara's.
3.) There's some damn good, and cheap, music going on this weekend. Friday night World Cafe Live is playing host to Braxton Parker . An edgy look combined with mild-mannered lyrics always drives the ladies crazy, so be prepared for an xx chromosome estrogen fest. "Everything Changes" and "Not Yet" couldn't be any more mainstream adult contemporary and Top 40, respectively. It's clear that catchy is what he aims for and it's working.

Saturday night brings us a great lineup at the Kyber. Two bands sharing distinctly different sounds, Cordova and Lemons Are Louder Than Rocks, will be playing that fine evening. Cordova will be leaving to record their debut record in Oklahoma following this show, so make sure to wish them good luck while simultaneously rocking out. And due to the fact that I fall into these lazy spells from time to time, I've been procrastinating on seeing LALTR but no more. It's time I see what these guys are all about live and I invite you to join me. I dare you to visit their myspace and NOT tap your foot. A total of 4 bands will be playing Saturday night so take your $8 cover charge, divide it by 2+2 and it comes out to less money per band than two Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers.