As you're all probably aware of, I'm a huge fan of mashups. Whether it's Girl Talk doing his thing, Wait What giving us Drake over Crystal Castles, or any bedroom DJ throwing Jay-Z vocals over any (literally ANY) rock song, I'm a sucker and will listen to all of it. And love it.
The Brothers of Chico Dusty takes things to another level. Two of the biggest albums of the year mashed together with flawless production. The Black Keys' Brothers and Big Boi's Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty both made The Whipping Post's Top 25 albums of 2010 and will most definitely make appearances during my NYE festivities, but what I love about this mashup is the draw it has among music fans who would otherwise never listen to one of these respected albums. A strict hip-hop fan can listen to Big Boi's pristine flow and open his or her ears to some instrumentals from a band they wouldn't consider listening to until now, and vise versa. It opens doors and invites you into a whole other world of music. I can't even begin to list the number of artists I used to discover through listening to mashups.
On another note, can we agree to take one of the top hip hop and rock albums and bring them together like this every year? Someone get on this, maybe the creator of this album, Wick-it, can continue his success.
Doanload the entire album FO' FREE here.
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