Friday, February 18, 2011

TWP Presents: The Untitled Playlist (Episode 9)

I just noticed the folder for Episode 9 sitting on my desktop, waiting to be published. My apologies for not getting this out sooner, it just got lost in the mix. There's some really great music going on in this episode. Sidenote question: Where do you think the White Stripes will reunite, Coachella or Bonnaroo? And what's the over/under on that show happening? 5 years? More?

1.) Tennis System - "FS"
2.) Beans - "Mellow You Out" (feat. Tunde Adebi)
3.) Starfucker - "Julius"
4.) The White Stripes - "Seven Nation Army" (Glitch Mob Remix)
5.) DOM - "Beth"
6.) Detox Retox - "Caroline"
7.) UZi-OHIO - "Wonderwall"
8.) Yuck - "Coconut Bible"
9.) Sleigh Bells - "Tell 'Em" (Diplo Remix) DOWNLOAD LINK REMOVED VIA FUN POLICE
10.) Metal Mother - "Billy Cruz"
11.) DOM - "Bowl Cut" (Aislyn Remix)
12.) Freelance Whales - "Day Off"

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