Truth be told, I was a little less than excited to see MGMT bring their new album Congratulations on the road with them. Boy was I wrong. With all the reviews I read from Coachella, the only thing people couldn't believe was how MGMT didn't play "Kids". No real reviews, no advice to give those who were thinking about checking out the band, nothing but hate for not playing a popular song. Well they did play "Kids" in their encore Friday night but that certainly wasn't the only highlight.
Opening up for MGMT was a band called The Willows. A group who wants to be Kings of Leon so badly, I can't even talk about them. Seriously, that's all I got. MGMT took the stage of the sold out UNH field house and opened up with "Flash Delirium". Even live, I just couldn't get into this song and I was glad the band got it out of the way first. It was also nice to see that their second guitarist wasn't losing his eyeballs this time, like he was on SNL.
I was sure their set would be almost entirely new songs, but gladly it ended up being about a 50-50 split between Congratulations and Oracular Spectacular. They commanded the stage and kept the audience fully engaged for their entire set. I should say, while it seemed everyone was loving the show, there was a clear bias toward songs off the old album. Maybe it's that people just didn't know the songs well enough, I don't know. But when the band got into songs like "Time To Pretend" and "Electric Feel" the place turned into an all out dance party. Glow in the dark shutter shades tossed up on stage, which Andrew VanWyngarden proceeded to rock for a couple songs, and was that a bra I saw thrown up there too? Whatever the case, I'll definitely be spending my hard earned money to see MGMT again in the future.
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